The Moon

Through many religions, the moon was a doorway to view your subconscious mind and emotions. The moon has power over the tides, moods, and emotions…especially during times of full moons, new moons, and eclipses.

Alchemy Connections

The Moon connects to the digestive system, stomach, breasts, ovaries, and menstruation cycles. The metal associated with the moon is silver.

Alchemists used Silver for its antibacterial properties to heal wounds and fight infections. It was also used for increasing circulation, balancing hormones, and slowing the progression of brain diseases.

Holy water was stored in silver vessels in the middle ages as it was believed silver could be used to repel and kill demons and keep away evil spirits.

Zodiac horoscope with divination dice

Ancient Moon Figures

In ancient Rome, the Moon was personified through the goddess Diana. Diana was a virgin goddess, protector of childbirth, and the goddess of hunting and wilderness. She also served as the goddess of the underworld.

In ancient Egypt, the Moon was personified through the deity Khonsu. Khonsu was known as the traveler, the embrace, and the defender. Khonsu was a force in the creation of new life and stood as a symbol of male vitality and healing. It was believed Khonsu was the reason the Moon shined in the sky, women conceived, cattle became fertile, and more.

The Mayans worshipped a Moon Goddess associated with sexuality and procreation. This diety ruled over the water and was depicted as a crescent waxing moon.

In Vedic tradition, Soma was connected with the Moon. Soma was a ritualistic drink named after one of the Hindu gods connected with the power of the Moon.

To many alchemists today, the Moon is a symbol of the divine feminine, inner wisdom, transition, and mystery. The Moon’s energy is used to understand one’s intuition. Through the light of the moon, the alchemist is able to find the answers to the mysteries of life and become one with his immortal soul. The moon shows us that our true power is revealed when we learn to understand and appreciate the beauty of life.

Moon Correspondences

Stones: Moonstone, pearl, crystal

Plants: Blue water lily, poppies, chamomile, cucumbers, evening primrose, hydrangea, iris, juniper, lotus, melon, moonflower, mugwort, passionflower, peace lily, seaweed, st john’s wort, strawberry, watercress, yucca

Colors: Blue, silver

Moon Day: Monday

Moon Plant Qualities: Sedative, hormone balancing, tonic to the brain, narcotic or painkilling, cooling, moisturizing, plants that live in the water

Moon Body Parts: Lymphatic system, SAD, PMS, brain problems (tumors)

Moon Beings: Lemures, Ghosts

Moon Scents: Banana, Camphor, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Melon, Orris, Rose, Wintergreen

Water Correspondences

Astrology: Cancer

Moon Stones: Emerald, Cat’s Eye, Pearl, Moonstone, Amber

Plants: Lotus, moonwort, passionflower, water lily, white poppy, white rose

Colors: Blue, pearl, white, amber, dark green, brown, maroon

Animals: Crab, turtle, sphinx

Body Part: Stomach

Scents: Rose and lotus

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